Thursday, October 30, 2014

Teamwork and Trauma

There has been a big pile of leftover wood from my husbands job site sitting in front of our house for the past couple days. I have been meaning to stack it all neatly to be used for firewood, but for one reason or another haven't gotten to it. So today, it 
was on my list of priorities. I had a good system going, stacking each piece with other pieces of similar shapes and sizes. Almost half way through the pile I came across something I had never seen before. There were three ants all pulling in separate directions, trying to disarm (literally) a spider! I silently cheered them on, "Way to go guys! Teamwork makes the dream work!" (I am not a huge fan of spiders) 

So I stopped to take a picture as you can see above, and then I got back to work. I was almost through the entire pile, and I paused to admire my neat little stacks of firewood. I turned around, picked up the last two boards, and there staring me right in the face was a HUGE spider - about the size of a QUARTER! And I was really wondering where those ants were when I needed them. Anyway, It was kind of the highlight of my day. 

Then I took a picture of a giant pine cone because I love pine cones, and it was so pretty. It really made me feel better after all of the trauma I had gone through with the spider. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What if?

"What if?" You fill in the blank. Some may go like this: 

"What if I had chosen a different career?" or "What if I had gone to a different school?" 
"What if I were prettier?" 
"What if you were in my situation?"
"What if I had married someone else?" 
"What if I had just stayed single?" 
"What if I had married that person and just settled down. At least then I would have SOMEONE."
"What if I hadn't had that abortion?"
"What if my parents would have kept me, instead of giving me up for adoption?"
"What if my parents had stayed together?
"What if I hadn't gotten that divorce?"
"What if I hadn't made that stupid mistake?"

There are so many more that could be on this list. I know that if you have a "What if", it keeps coming back and you always just wonder. Some people would never admit that these thoughts have crossed their minds, but some of these I have heard personally. Some I have wondered myself. 

Something my husband used to tell me helped a lot. I used to be a chronic "What if-er", and I think it nearly drove the poor man crazy. He told me, "Stop saying what if. Whatever you are going to say after is not reality. Just stop."

I hated when he said that. But, the truth is, he was completely right! Whatever I was wondering about was not reality and it was never going to be. What was done was done. Whatever it was, whether a regret, a wish, a comparison or whatever, it was not going to change. I learned that my "What if" was doing nothing but letting discontentment take root deeper and deeper in my heart. Discontentment is crippling. It causes you to miss the things that would otherwise bring joy. It clouds your vision. 

Discontentment is the opposite of thankfulness. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I love how it separates the words every and thing. We are not just to give thanks for everything in general, but to give thanks for every thing specifically. That is what God wants from you and from me! 

Now, giving thanks for every thing can truly be a challenge because, as we all know, not every thing in life is lovely. But that is what God is asking of us. And He does not leave us to do it all on our own. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Give thanks through the power of Christ. We have to trust that He will give us the strength to be thankful for every thing.

Finally, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. Every thing, the good, bad, and ugly, He has working together for good. Every thing in life is a piece of a puzzle that will one day be complete to show us His amazing masterpiece that is our lives. Every life is precious to Him. Every situation is precious to Him. Trust Him!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Easy Craft Project

For all of you crafty people out there, here is a quick and easy project you may want to try! I made these beanies for my husband and myself with a knitting loom. You can get a knitting loom from a craft store or even Wal-Mart. It was the easiest project ever, and we have been using them quite a bit so far! I wanted to add a feminine touch to my beanie, so I looked up how to crochet a flower on youtube and found this GREAT video tutorial.

Monday, October 27, 2014

My Introduction

Welcome to my blog! First, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Danae. I am a wife, a camp host, an aspiring writer, artist, and craft specialist!  Above all I am a Christian. I love the Lord with all my heart and am seeking to please Him in all that I do! 

In all of my blogs to come I hope that you, my readers, will be inspired, encouraged, and uplifted. Thank you!