Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Back to the Routine...?

I must say, I have had a lovely couple of weeks! My brother got married, and I got to be a part of their beautiful wedding! I got to catch up with family that I had not seen in years! I got to spend time with my more immediate family and my sweet little nephew! I have been back home for almost a week now, and finally just finished unpacking yesterday! I don't know what it is about unpacking, but I hate it. And I always put it off for as long as possible. But now it is finally done, laundry is done, dishes are done, and I am trying to figure out what else I do on a normal day! Before I went on my trip, I had a good routine going, and now I can't seem to remember what it was! So I suppose I will have to begin from scratch and develop a new one. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

To all of you mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!! I want to say a special "Thank you!" to my mother:

Thank you, Mom, for being a wonderful steward of the time you had raising me. Thank you for teaching me to be caring, kind, thankful, and loyal. Thank you for having a sense of adventure! Whether you were "Nancy Drew" or "Christopher Columbus", spying on neighbors and exploring the path less traveled was always exciting! Thank you for showing me what real faith looks like. Thank you for showing me how to stand in faith, unwavering, despite the temptation to bend a little here and there to gain approval. Thank you for loving God's Word. Thank you for those long nights we spent together talking about life, love, and praying together. Thank you for always having my back (even when I didn't want you to)! Thanks for giving me space and letting me go, even when everything inside of you was screaming not to. Thank you for being my best friend some days and my worst enemy on other days. Regardless of the day, I always knew you did what you did out of love. Thank you! I love you!

Next, I want to say a special "Thank you!" to my mother in-law!:

Thank you for raising a wonderful son! I kind-of like him... A lot... Thank you for loving me as your own daughter. Thank you for laughing at all of my cheesy jokes and listening to all of my conspiracy theories. Thank you for letting me use your washer and dryer. Thank you for not disowning me when I messed up your decorative Paula Dean cookware. (I'm really sorry about that, by the way...) Thank you for all of the many things you do. I love you!