Friday, November 7, 2014

November's Gift

This is a bit of a late post, but it was so spectacular when it happened, I had to share.

The week of Halloween, we had been hearing it was going to snow over the weekend. The weather however, did not seem prepared to produce snow. It had been in the upper 60's and low to mid 70's, and I thought there was no way the temperature could drop low enough in such a short period of time. Halloween came and went- no snow. 

We woke up on Saturday morning, November 1st, FREEZING!! We looked out the window, and found that I had been very wrong! There was a thick blanket of snow covering everything. It was one of the most beautiful snowy landscapes I think I have ever seen in person. Trees bowed down with snow, their green still peeking out from underneath. Not even a bird uttered a sound as it seemed all of nature was at rest. These types of sights calm your heart and cleanse your spirit. I thanked the Lord for the gift November had brought us!

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