Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Full and Heavy Heart

I arose this morning from my sleep with this thought, "Today is what I make of it. I am going to have a great day!" 

And I have had a great day! I got to see some of my former co-workers, got my home cleaned, opened an online shop, and have a great feeling of accomplishment. 

Over my morning coffee and God time, I thought about all of the wonderful things that make up my life. I have a wonderful Savior that completes me and brings me peace no matter how chaotic life gets. I have the sweetest man in the world that I get to do life with. I have great in-laws who I love as my own family. I have an amazing mother who raised me right. I have the craziest, most dramatic and fun siblings in the entire universe! I have this great opportunity to travel and see new places and meet new people. I have a great church and great friends to come back to when we are home. 

Amid these awesome things and people are real struggles, real burdens and real pain. I find myself wanting to fix them. I know in my heart that I can't. Each person has their own path and has to make their own decisions. Each person has to work through their own pain. It is hard to watch. Sometimes it is hard to watch because I know how they feel. Other times, because I cannot imagine how they must feel. 

How much more, if I want to fix the hurts and the struggles, does the Lord want to fix each situation? He KNOWS every pain because he has felt it. He knows every struggle because he has been there. He wants to bring the peace, the hope and the love that some lives SO miss and long for. I rest in the knowledge that I  can pray for my friends and my family, and the Lord hears, understands, and acknowledges every single circumstance, and He will have His way in the end. 

1 comment:

  1. He is my HOPE. Therefore life is not just a series of random, meaningless events.
