Friday, February 13, 2015


I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. Usually, I do not fully awaken until 11:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. Before then, I am a walking, semi-functional zombie-esque person. Really, I hate mornings. Anyway, today I was up with the sunrise. And for some rather odd reason, I feel fully awake and cognizant, and it is only 8:00. What is going on?! (By the way, happy Friday the 13th!)

So, I had my coffee and God time, and I was reading in Leviticus (one of my LEAST favorite books in the Bible). If you have read it, you know why. So don't judge me! :) All I have to say is, I am SO EXTREMELY thankful that I live in this time period. As crazy as the world is now, I cannot imagine the stress that the children of Israel went through on a daily basis just thinking about whether or not they had sinned in some area. And then, when they realized they had sinned, the method of sacrifice was so specific! Depending on the sin, you had to sacrifice a specific animal in a specific location, and they had to be divided a certain way... I would have certainly messed it all up. And I would have run out of livestock rather quickly, I'm afraid! 

I am so thankful that Christ became the ultimate sacrifice for my sins. His work on the cross was perfect. There is nothing that I can do to make my atonement any more complete! I can enjoy the fact that all of my wrongs have been made right through his blood. I can enjoy getting to know the Lord for myself without having to worry about going through a priest or having to pay for my sins. I do not have to worry about my standing with God because I know I am his child and he loves me unconditionally. 

If nothing else goes right today, it will still be a wonderful day because I am reminded how great a gift I have been given! And not just me, but ANYONE who believes and accepts Christ as the payment for their sin can have this confidence as well!

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