Thursday, December 4, 2014

December Air

Sitting in front of my computer, a faux fire blazing (I have an electric fireplace), occasionally sipping my cappuccino, I look out my window and observe the serenity of the forest. A cloudy sky is giving way to the blue and sunshine. Not a flake of snow, Christmas decorations have not yet made their appearance, and yet there is a feeling of warmth and Christmas in my heart. I feel it about this time every year. Some years it is more prominent than others, but nevertheless, it is there. It must be something in the air; something that God gently blows over us each year as we prepare to celebrate the greatest gift ever given- the gift of His only Son. I can never separate this truth from what Christmas is, and I hope that you cannot either. Take a moment to stop and ponder the enormity of that thought. We have a day every year that is dedicated to celebrating God, the creator of the universe, coming to earth. Earth, in essence, is just a microbe in the grand scheme of all that He has created, yet He loves us, the people who inhabit it, so greatly that  He sacrificed himself in order to restore fellowship with us. And He offers us the gift of a relationship with Him for the rest of eternity. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so amazing that this holy God knows us in all our faults and failures, and yet loves us that much. I accept it. I just can't comprehend it.
