Saturday, December 6, 2014

Rainy Days

The past few days here have been super rainy which is a great answer to prayer due to the severe drought going on in this part of the country. I spent my rainy days, unwisely, out in the middle of it trying to get some wonderful pictures. The ones I did get were either blurry or too similar to rainy day pictures I have taken before. So it was all for naught. And on top of my lack of artistic productivity, I have contracted a nasty cold. So I have a cranberry juice, sprite mixture that I have been drinking. I am not sure if it is actually helping or not, but it makes me feel like it is curing me... and it is delicious. 

Last night, I took Nyquil. I never take Nyquil. I usually try to abstain from medication and I especially try to avoid Nyquil. I love to sleep, and I definitely do not need help doing it. The last time I took Nyquil, I think I slept for 18 hours straight. I am not exaggerating. So I took my medicine last night, at the prompting of my loving and concerned husband, at 7:30. We decided to watch a movie afterward, and of course, I passed out on the couch before 8:00. I woke up this morning at 11:00 in my bed feeling like I had gotten run over by a truck. I am not sure how I got in my bed, but from the pain in my head, I am wondering if my husband tried to carry me and dropped me somewhere along the way. Anyway, this is why I hate taking medicine. So, the next time it rains, I think I will observe its beauty from my window. 

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